• How to make a beaded briolette necklace

    How to make a beaded briolette necklace:

    how to make beaded necklace

    This charming beaded briolette necklace is made using three wire techniques. The first technique that you will learn is how to make a briolette wrap. A briolette wrap is used when you work with top drilled beads like the pink crystal in this necklace. The other techniques that you will learn are how to make a wrapped loop on a headpin, and how to open and close jump rings properly.

    You can add more charms or beads, or even use less if you want. Get yourself some stunning beads for this necklace, as the beads are the focal point of the necklace.

    The circle link that I’ve used has a drilled hole on top, but you don’t need one with a hole because you can attach it with a jump ring.

    It’s best to use chain with a ready fitted clasp for this project. I’ve used belcher chain with links of 5mm. See the necklace size guide for more information regarding necklace sizes.

    What you need:

    • 1 large briolette crystal bead (2½cm), color of your choice
    • 6 silver metal beads (5-7mm)
    • 4 small pearls
    • a silver charm
    • coin pearl or any other bead to fit your design
    • 2mm or 3mm silver spacer beads
    • thin headpins that will fit small pearls (usually 22 gauge or 24 gauge)
    • thicker headpins for the metal beads (20g)
    • 20 gauge silver wire (approximately 4-5”)
    • 3 jump rings (9mm)
    • 4 jump rings (7mm)
    • necklace chain with a ready fitted clasp (5mm links)
    • silver circle link
    • round nose pliers
    • chain or flat nose pliers
    • wire or side cutters
    • safety glasses (optional)

    Step 1:
    Open a 7mm jump ring as described on the page how to open and close jump rings. Find the central link of your chain and slide it onto the jump ring, followed by a 9mm jump ring (make sure it’s closed properly). Close the jump ring the correct way.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Step 2:
    Attach two more 9mm jump rings.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Step 3:
    Attach another 7mm jump ring, and slide the circle link onto the jump ring as well. Close it properly. If your circle link has a drilled hole, put the jump ring through the hole instead.

    Step 4:
    Slide your beads onto the headpins. Use some of the small spacer beads if the holes are too big to hold the headpin.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Step 5:
    Take your metal beads and make a loop for each headpin as described on the pageheadpin loop. Don’t make loops for the pearls yet, you are going to make wrapped loops for them.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Step 6:
    Open the loop of each headpin with your round nose pliers. Try not to open it too wide otherwise the round shape of the loop might be distorted.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Attach the metal beads to either side of the 9mm jump rings. Close the loops completely (using your round nose pliers) to prevent the beads from slipping off the jump rings.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Step 7:
    You are going to make a wrapped loop for each pearl as described on the page wrapped headpin. Make sure you attach the open loops to the jump rings before wrapping it. I’ve made that mistake too many times! Attach a pearl to each jump ring as shown in the graphics below.

    Step 8:
    Open a 7mm jump ring and slide your charm and circle link onto the jump ring. Close it completely.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Step 9:
    The next step is to make a briolette wrap for the crystal briolette. I've used 20g wire instead of 22g for this chunky beaded briolette necklace (feel free to use 22g wire). Follow the detailed descriptions on the page briolette wrap. You will have to make the loop big enough to slip the circle link onto it as shown in the photo below.

    Step 10:
    This is the last step in making your beaded briolette necklace. Take the coin pearl on the headpin and make a wrapped loop for the headpin as described on the page wrapped headpin. You don’t need to attach anything to the loop while you're making it.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Open the last 7mm jump ring and attach the coin pearl to the circle link on the other side of the crystal.

    how to make beaded necklace

    Well done, your beaded briolette necklace is now ready to wear!

    how to make beaded necklace


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